PUBLICATIONS | Briefing Papers





28 April 2015

The QE experience: Worth a try?

Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert, Fabien Labondance

The ECB has decided to implement large-scale quantitative easing (QE) measures since March 2015 until September 2016. This unconventional monetary policy has had a variety of precedents, in the Japanese, UK and US economies. These experiments have been effective at modifying government and corporate bond yields, mostly in the UK and US and to a lesser extent in Japan...

08 January 2015

Does housing wealth contribute to wealth inequality? A tale of two New Yorks

Guillaume Allègre, Xavier Timbeau

In Capital in the 21st century (hereafter Capital), Thomas Piketty points out the risk of a concentration of wealth in the twenty-first century that would threaten the social justice and meritocratic values of our democratic societies. The main force of divergence is due to the fact that net returns on capital (r) are expected to be greater than the growth of the economy (g), or: “r>g”. According to Piketty, this will lead to two undesirable consequences: firstly, wealth will have a...


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