PUBLICATIONS | Briefing Papers





15 March 2012

Agent Based Models: A New Tool for Economic and Policy Analysis

Mauro Napoletano, Jean-Luc Gaffard et Zakaria Babutsidze

Are current economic models well equipped to provide useful policy prescriptions? Many economists would have certainly answered, “yes” before the recent Global Recession. This economic crisis has not only demonstrated the importance of banking and financial markets for the dynamics of real economies. It has also revealed the inadequacy of the dominant theoretical framework. Standard models have indeed failed to forecast the advent of the crisis...

31 January 2012

Working hours and economic performance: What are the lessons of the Coe-Rexecode report?

Éric Heyer and Mathieu Plane

Do people work less in France than in the rest of Europe? Is France the only country to have reduced working time in the last decade? Is the 35-hour work week really dragging down the French economy? The report published on 11 January by the Coe-Rexecode Institute provides fresh material for answering these questions...

12 January 2012

The very great recession: Economic outlook updated for the major developed countries in 2012

OFCE Department of Analysis and Forecasting under the direction of Xavier Timbeau

Under the direction of Xavier Timbeau The growth outlook for the developed countries, in Europe in particular, has deteriorated dramatically in recent weeks...


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