Publications | Working Papers


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N°02 | février 2013

Fiscal policies and credit regimes : a TVAR approach

Tommaso Ferraresi, Andrea Roventini, Giorgio Fagiolo


N°00 | mars 2013

A full description of the Three-ME model: Multi-sector Macroeconomic Model for the Evaluation of Environmental and Energy policy

Gaël Callonec, Gissela Landa, Paul Mailliet, Frédéric Reynès, Yasser Yeddir-Tamsamani


N°25 | octobre 2012

Environmental policies, product market regulation and innovation in renewable energy

Lionel Nesta, Francesco Vona, Francesco Nicolli


N°22 | septembre 2012

Is the European sovereign crisis self-fulfilling ? Empirical evidence about the drivers of market sentiments

Catherine Bruneau, Anne-Laure Delatte, Julien Fouquau


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