Conférences / Journées d'étude





9th Edition - Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics 2021

on line via zoom -  Compulsory Registration

Mardi 7 décembre à 14h00



The purpose of this workshop is to provide the opportunity to discuss and promote topical empirical research related to all areas of monetary economics. Some particularly relevant topics are:
- The identification of the transmission channels of monetary policy
- The role of heterogeneity for monetary policy transmission
- Monetary policy and inequality
- Central bank balance sheet policies and quasi-fiscal monetary policies
- Monetary policy and transition risks related to climate change
- Communication strategies and the role of firms’ and households’ expectations




Keynote speakers:
- Barbara Rossi (University of Pompeu Fabra and CEPR)
- Eric Swanson (University of California, Irvine)



Program & Slides


on line via zoom - Compulsory Registration





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