Evènements | l'OFCE dans le débat public



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28 juin 2017

Optimal fiscal policy with heterogeneous agents and aggregate shocks, Society for computational economics

Xavier Ragot
23rd International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Forham University, Lincoln Center Campus, New York, Etats-Unis

19 juin 2017

OCDE Nero Meeting 2017
National Economic Research Organisations, Policy Challenges in the Global Economy: Productivity, risk and growth

Xavier Ragot
OCDE, Paris


16 juin 2017

Macroeconomic Issues after the crisis

Xavier Ragot
Northwestern University/CSEF/EIEF/UCL/University of Mannheim
Monopoli, Italie

16 juin 2017

Does Monetary Policy generate Asset Price Bubbles?

Paul Hubert
Séminaire Banque d'Angleterre
Londres, Royaume-Uni


15-16 juin 2017

The populist upturn - Implications of the European and the world economy

Xavier Ragot
Berlin, Allemagne

09 juin 2017

Implications for economic policies and the international institutionnal framework of a reversal of globalization

Xavier Ragot
International conference of Councils on Economic Policy
Madrid, Espagne


08 juin 2017

Conférence Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES) 2017

"Does Monetary Policy generate Asset Price Bubbles?" par Paul Hubert
Lausanne, Suisse

02 juin 2017

Workshop handbook of computational economics

Xavier Ragot
The Amsterdam School of Economics/University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas


31 mai 2017

Séminaire Bank of International Settlements (BIS)

"Does Monetary Policy generate Asset Prices Bubbles?" par Paul Hubert
Bâle, Suisse

30 mai 2017

Think 20 Summit, "Global solutions", A new economic paradigm for a world in transition, G20 Germany 2017

Xavier Ragot
Berlin, Allemagne


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