Publications | Etudes & Rapports



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The euro at 20: A concise critical assessment


The euro at 20: A concise critical assessment

Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel, Xavier Ragot

ECON committee, Monetary Dialogue Papers, January 2019


Report on the State of the European Union<br>Volume 5: The Euro at 20 and the Futures of Europe


Report on the State of the European Union
Volume 5: The Euro at 20 and the Futures of Europe

Jerôme Creel, Eloi Laurent, Jacques Le Cacheux

Palgrave Macmillan 2018


Revenu universel <br>L’état du débat


Revenu universel
L’état du débat

Guillaume Allègre, Henri Sterdyniak

OFCE 2017


Investissement public, capital public et croissance


Investissement public, capital public et croissance

Xavier Ragot, Francesco Saraceno

OFCE 2016


Report on the State of the European Union 
Is Europe Sustainable?


Report on the State of the European Union Is Europe Sustainable?

Jacques Le Cacheux, Eloi Laurent

éditions Palgrave Macmillan 2014


After the crisis the way ahead - Presentation Conference on the Report LIGEP After the crisis the way ahead.


After the crisis the way ahead - Presentation Conference on the Report LIGEP After the crisis the way ahead.

Jean-Paul Fitoussi , Edmund Phelps, Robert Gordon, Christofer Pissarides, Etienne Wasmer, Giorgio Di Giorgio, Stefano Micossi, Jacopo Carmassi, Paola Parascandolo, Francesco Saraceno

Luiss University Press 2010


Report on the State of the European Union, volume 3


Report on the State of the European Union, volume 3

Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Jacques Le Cacheux

éditions Palgrave 2010

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