Publications | Working Papers


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N°22 | juin 2020

The Employment Impact of Green Fiscal Push: Evidence from the American Recovery Act

David Popp, Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Ziqiao Chen


N°21 | juin 2020

Anatomy of Green Specialization: Evidence from EU Production Data, 1995-2015

Filippo Bontadini, Francesco Vona


N°20 | juin 2020

Income inequality and monetary policy in the Euro Area

Jérôme Creel, Mehdi El Herradi


N°17 | mai 2020

Fiscal space in the euro area before Covid-19

Jérôme Creel


N°15 | mai 2020

Estimation of Threshold Distributions for Market Participation

Mattia Guerini, Patrick Musso, Lionel Nesta


N°14 | mai 2020

Corporate Governance and Industrialization

Maurizio Iacopetta, Pietro F. Peretto


N°13 | mai 2020

Growing through Spinoffs. Corporate Governance, Entry, and Innovation

Maurizio Iacopetta, Raoul Minetti, Pierluigi Murro


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