Publications | Working Papers


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N°11 | avril 2021

Assessing the Economic Impact of Lockdowns in Italy: A Computational Input-Output Approach

S. Reissl, A. Caiani, F. Lamperti, M. Guerini, F. Vanni, G. Fagiolo, T. Ferraresi, L. Ghezzi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini


N°10 | mars 2021

The Dispersion of Mark-ups in an Open Economy

Stéphane Auray, Aurélien Eyquem


N°09 | mars 2021

The Global Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy

Riccardo Degasperi, Seokki Simon Hong, Giovanni Ricco


N°08 | mars 2021

The Anatomy of Government Bond Yields Synchronization in the Eurozone

Claudio Barbieri, Mattia Guerini, Mauro Napoletano


N°07 | mars 2021

Establishing a fiscal dialogue in Europe

Jérôme Creel


N°06 | mars 2021

Can Parental Leave be Shared?

Hélène Périvier, Gregory Verdugo


N°03 | février 2021

Distant but close in sight. Firm-level evidence on French-German productivity gaps in manufacturing

Thomas Grebel, Mauro Napoletano, Lionel Nesta


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