Les News du 28 mai 2020

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Setting New Priorities for the ECB’s Mandate, Monetary Dialogue Papers, June 2020


Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel, Emmanuelle Faure and Paul Hubert
Requested by the ECON Committee, European Parliament

Beyond price stability, the EU Treaties assign to the E CB a range of secondary objectives. We investigate the linkages between price stability and these objectives to assess whether they are independent, complementary or substitutable, which is important to refine the definition of the mandate. Keeping the current mandate would not provide leeway for the ECB to reach other objectives. We propose to broaden the mandate to include employment and financial stability. Enhanced coordination should contribute to fulfilling the objectives. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.


Fiscal space in the euro area before Covid-19, Working Paper 17/2020
Jérôme Creel

Pétrole : Chronique d'un effondrement, Policy Brief 68
Céline Antonin

Évaluation de l’impact économique de la pandémie de Covid-19 et des mesures de confinement sur le marché du travail en France, Policy Brief 67
Bruno Ducoudré et Pierre Madec

Le temps retrouvé de l'économie, Ouvrage
Jean-Luc Gaffard, Mario Amendola, Francesco Saraceno
Editions Odile Jacob

Toutes les publications...


2 juin - 11h30 - Séminaire OFCE : Malka Guillot (ETH Zürich)
- Séminaire virtuel via Zoom -
Who Paid the French 75% Tax on Millionaires? Effects on Top Wage Earners and their Employers

9 juin - 11h30 - Séminaire OFCE : Camille Hémet (ENS)
 - Séminaire virtuel via Zoom -
Custodial vs. Non-Custodial Punishments: Measuring the Impact of an Anticipated Reform

16 juin - 11h30 - Séminaire OFCE :  Etienne Wasmer (NYU Abu Dhabi)
- Séminaire virtuel via Zoom -

Tout l'agenda...

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