PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°02 | February 2001

Wage Flexibility and Unemployment: The Keynesian Perspective Revisited

Mario Amendolay, Jean-Luc GaFFard, Francesco Saraceno

N°04 | April 2000

Roots of the Recent Recoveries: Labor Reforms or Private-Sector Forces?

Jean-Paul Fitoussi, David Jestaz, Edmud S. Phelps, Gylfi Zoega

N°01 | January 2000

How to manage speculative shocks : intra-european vs. international monetary coordination

Fabrice Capoen, Jérôme Creel, Pascal Cussy, Hélène Lenoble-Liaud.

N°03 | August 1999

Asymmetries on european labour markets

Catherine Bruno, Catherine Fuss

N°02 | April 1999

The stability pact and feedback policy effects

Jérôme Creel

N°03 | October 1998

Discussing Euro Volatility

Jérôme Creel, Henri Sterdyniak

N°01 | February 1998

Stability without a pact ? Lessons from the European gold standard 1880-1914

Marc Flandreau, Jacques Le Cacheux, Frédéric Zumer

N°01 | January 1998

Simulation properties of MIMOSA, a multi-country macroeconomic model

Hervé Le Bihan, Frédéric Lerais

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