PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°22 | July 2007

Fiscal discipline as a social norm: the European Stability Pact

Jean Paul Fitoussi, Francesco Saraceno

N°21 | July 2007

Globalization and the twin protections

Jean Paul Fitoussi

N°18 | July 2007

International Trade and Domestic Distortions: Modelling the Transition Process

Jean-Luc Gaffard, Francesco Saraceno

N°17 | July 2007

The end of (economic) history

Jean Paul Fitoussi

N°15 | July 2007

Low-skilled Jobs: The French Strategy

Henri Sterdyniak

N°14 | May 2007

How to deal with economic divergences in EMU?

Catherine Mathieu, Henri Sterdyniak

N°13 | April 2007

Has the Golden Rule of Public Finance Made a Difference in the UK ?

Jérôme Creel, Paola Monperrus-Veroni, Francesco Saraceno

N°11 | March 2007

International Trade and Financial Integration: a Weighted Network Analysis

Giorgio Fagiolo, Javier Reyes, Stefano Schiavo

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38 39 40 ... 51

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