PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°24 | July 2008

Trade and Empire, 1700-1870

Guillaume Daudin, Kevin H.O'Rourke, Leandro Prados de la Escosura

N°23 | July 2008

Testing Creative Destruction in an Opening Economy : the Case of the South African Manufacturing Inudstries

Philippe Aghion, Johannes Fedderke, Peter Howitt, Chandana Kularatne , Nicola Viegi

N°17 | June 2008

Europe and globalization, 1870-1914

Guillaume Daudin, Matthias Morys, Kevin H. O’Rourke

N°15 | June 2008

Automatic Stabilisation, Discretionary Policy and the Stability Pact

Jérôme Creel, Francesco Saraceno

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