PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°17 | July 2009

The Ways Out of the Crisis and the Builbing of a More Cohesive World

Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Joseph Stiglitz

N°15 | May 2009

Are Export Premia Robust to Innovation Statistics ?

Flora Bellone, Sara Guillou, Lionel Nesta

N°14 | June 2009

Over-simplification and tractability in quasi-linear neg models

Sylvain Barde, John Peirson

N°13 | June 2009

Revisiting the ‘machinery effect’: from Ricardo to Hicks and ahead

Mario Amendola University, Jean-Luc Gaffard

N°09 | April 2009

Some Thoughts on Industrial Policy and Growth

Philippe Aghion

N°07 | April 2009

Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis

Stefania Vitali, Mauro Napoletano, Giorgio Fagiolo

N°06 | April 2009

The Political Economy of Balanced-Budget Rules

Jérôme Creel, Etienne Farvaque

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