PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°25 | October 2010

Governments under influence :country interactions in discretionary fiscal policy

Aurélie Cassette , Jérôme Creel, Etienne Farvaque, Sonia Paty

N°22 | October 2010

Income inequality and the development of eenvironmental technologies

Francesco Vona, Fabrizio Patriarca

N°19 | September 2010

Atlantic trade and the European economy: a bibliography

Guillaume Daudin

N°18 | July 2010

Country size, growth and volatility

Olfa Alouini, Paul Hubert

N°15 | July 2010

Quantitative methods and economic history

Guillaume Daudin

N°14 | July 2010

Has inflation targeting changed monetary policy preferences ?

Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert

N°13 | July 2010

Inequality and macroeconomic performance

Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Francesco Saraceno

N°12 | June 2010

Does income taxation affect partners’ household chores ?

Arthur Van Soest Netspar, Elena Stancanelli

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