PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°08 | February 2012

Do we need fiscal rules?

Catherine Mathieu, Henri Sterdyniak

N°06 | February 2012

Income distribution, credit and fiscal policies in an agent-based keynesian model

Giovanni Dosi, Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini

N°05 | February 2012

Determinants of renewable energy innovation: environmental policies vs. market regulation

Francesco Vona, Francesco Nicolli, Lionel Nesta

N°04 | February 2012

An assessment of stability and growth pact reform proposals in a small-scale macro framework

Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert, Francesco Saraceno

N°03 | February 2012

Total work and gender: facts and possible explanations - Michael Burda Humboldt University

Michael Burda, Daniel S. Hamermesh, Philippe Weil

N°01 | February 2012

Fat-tail distributions and business-cycle

Guido Ascari, Giorgio Fagiolo, Andrea Roventini

N°28 | December 2011

Retirement and home production: a regression discontinuity approach

Elena Stancanelli, Arthur Van Soest

N°26 | December 2011

Innovation and Skill Dynamics: A life-cycle approach

Francesco Vona, Davide Consoli

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