PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°03 | February 2014

Rock around the clock: an agent-based model of low- and high-frequency trading

Sandrine Jacob Leal, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini, Giorgio Fagiolo

N°02 | February 2014

Assessing the link between Price and Financial Stability

Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert, Fabien Labondance, Francesco Saraceno

N°25 | December 2013

Assessing the Interest Rate and Bank Lending Channels of ECB Monetary Policies

Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert, Mathilde Viennot

N°24 | December 2013

Financial Stability and Economic Performance

Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert, Fabien Labondance

N°23 | November 2013

Financial markets, banks, and Growth: disentangling the links

Alessandro Giovannini, Maurizio Iacopetta, Raoul Minetti

N°20 | October 2013

Banking union: a solution to the Euro zone crisis?

Maylis Avaro, Henri Sterdyniak

N°19 | September 2013

Patents, R&D subsidies and endogenous market structure in a Schumpeterian economy

Angus C. Chu, Yuichi Furukawa Chukyo, Lei Ji

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