PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers



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N°27 | December 2014

Long workweeks and strange hours

Daniel S. Hamermesh, Elena Stancanelli

N°26 | December 2014

Partners’ Leisure Time Truly Together Upon Retirement

Elena Stancanelli, Arthur Van Soest

N°25 | December 2014

International banking: the isolation of the euro area

Vincent Bouvatier, Anne-Laure Delatte

N°24 | December 2014

Automatic Adjustment mechanismms and budget balancing of pension schemes

Frederic Gannon, Florence Legros, Vincent Touzé

N°22 | December 2014

Financial Markets, Industry Dynamics, and Growth

Maurizio Iacopetta, Raoul Minetti, Pietro F. Peretto

N°19 | November 2014

Micro and macro policies in the Keynes+Schumpeter evolutionary models

Giovanni Dosi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini, Tania Treibich

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