PUBLICATIONS | Working Papers





N°19 | October 2006

Welfare in Europe and the United States

Gérard Cornilleau

N°14 | July 2006

Paying transaction costs

Guillaume Daudin

N°13 | July 2006

The renminbi equilibrium exchange rate: an agnostic view

Antoine Bouveret, Sana Mestiri, Henri Sterdyniak

N°10 | October 2006

Is public capital productive in Europe?

Jérôme Creel, Gwenaëlle Poilon

N°07 | April 2006

World growth and international capital flows in the XXIst century

INGENUE TEAM: Michel Aglietta, Vladimir Borgy, Jean Chateau, Michel Juillard, Jacques le Cacheux, Gilles Le Garrec, Vincent Touzé


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