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So far so good …

22 February 2013 0

By Christophe Blot The euro zone is still in recession. According to Eurostat, GDP fell again in the fourth quarter of 2012 (‑0.6%). This figure, […]

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Is the euro crisis over?

1 February 2013 0

By Catherine Mathieu and Henri Sterdyniak As of early 2013, it is possible to make two contrasting assessments of the crisis. On the one hand, […]

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Spain: a lose-lose strategy

30 January 2013 0

by Danielle Schweisguth At a time when the IMF has publicly recognized that it underestimated the negative impact of fiscal adjustment on Europe’s economic growth, […]

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A recession is not inevitable

23 January 2013 0

By Marion Cochard, Bruno Ducoudré and Danielle Schweisguth The cold blast from the autumn forecasts continues with the publication of the European Central Bank’s latest […]