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What minimum wage for Germany?

23 September 2013 0

By Odile Chagny and Sabine Le Bayon The campaign for the parliamentary elections taking place on 22 September in Germany has engendered a broad debate […]

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On cosmopolitan currency

17 September 2013 0

By Maxime Parodi, sociologist at the OFCE A cosmopolitan currency is a currency common to many nations and explicitly based on a form of co-sovereignty […]

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Does too much finance kill growth?

4 September 2013 0

By Jérôme Creel, Paul Hubert and Fabien Labondance Is there an optimal level of financialization in an economy? An IMF working paper written by Arcand, […]

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France: why such zeal?

29 July 2013 1

By Marion Cochard and Danielle Schweisguth On 29 May, the European Commission sent the members of the European Union its new economic policy recommendations. As part […]